Friday, October 24, 2008

A note from Luke: Blog #3 "Wookiee Urine"

I woke up at 6AM this morning. We had a show at 11AM in Atlanta on the campus of GA Tech for one of their homecoming events. Load in was at 9AM which meant we had to leave my house by 7AM. Entirely too early for a rock show… but we're troopers like that.

I finally forced myself out of bed after slapping the alarm clock a few times and let my dog outside. His name's Chewbacca. But we call him Chewy. He's a Lhasa Apsa which means he closely resembles an Ewok. He's kind of a furball. So I guess I really should have named him Wicket.

Unfortunately, Chewy only has one eye. My other dog, Puddin, attacked him a few years ago when Chewy was trying to pleasure my cat Conor haha. Obviously Puddin wasn't cool with that. And yes I know Puddin is a ridiculous dog name. So Chewy has a hard time judging distances. He'll jump too early and hit his little face on the couch haha Occasionally he runs into the wall. And for some reason he likes to go to the bathroom really close to the house.

Anyway, I had my hands full while Zach and I were loading the merch and I accidentally dropped the merchbook on the ground. Keep in mind its still dark outside at this hour. So I was like "hey dude, can you grab the merchbook? I just dropped it" and he says "aww man, I think that's where Chewy just peed."

Sure enough, he was right. So we started off the day with a urine soaked merchbook… Chewy urine nonetheless.

It was freezing today too! And extremely windy. Not exactly favorable conditions for an outdoor show. But we arrived at Tech pretty much on time despite our usual late departure. The show was killer. Everyone struggled through the cold and wind with us and watched the whole show. So thank you to all the students that were at Tech this morning, we love you all.

I dunno why I'm still up. It's 2AM, and considering how early I woke up, I should have been in dream land hours ago. Oh well, I guess I'll have to pass out soon. We've got another local show tomorrow at CCC in Lawrenceville, GA with Ocean is Theory, Love Like This (Formerly Kenotia), and Dear Future. We're all really excited about that because we haven't played any local shows in a long time. We'll probably get some Van-Cam footage from that show so watch out for a new webisode soon!

Til next time...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

A note from Luke: Blog #2 "Basketball Diaries"

We arrived back home in Georgia around four this morning. Last night we played in Asheville, NC at a venue called Crossroads. We played with some really cool bands including our old friends Hot Vegas.

After load in, Hot Vegas challenged us to a basketball game. First off, I haven't even touched a basketball since I was like twelve. But Tyler peer pressured me into playing because Hot Vegas was smack talkin so much. Taylor was smart and sat the game out. I thought Zach might be an advantage for us because he's so tall… Turns out I was wrong. We sucked and we were slaughtered haha. The only thing that saved us was Ben from Young and Running filled in for Taylor. He pretty much scored all our points with the exception of Tyler's one kick ass lay-up.

Needless to say, we aren't very good athletes. But I'm a musician, not a baller.

Don't worry, the show went much better than our b-ball game.

We've got some Georgia shows coming up soon!
Check our schedule.


If you want to check out the other bands we played with last night here are their links:

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Note From Luke: Blog #1

Hey there kiddies,

So I've decided to join the multitude of bloggers on the World Wide Web. I don't have anything of substance to say though. So I apologize in advance for my ramblings. I'm not terribly concerned with my grammar or punctuation either. Keep in consideration most people online speak in an "awkward, broken, OMG, ROFLMAO, LOL," type of language. So I think I will be forgiven.

I hope you guys are enjoying our Van-Cam Video Blogs. We're enjoying making them. We plan on filming a new one tomorrow! So keep your eyes peeled for that.

We're home from the road right now. I'm in the mountains of north Georgia and it's pouring down rain. After our last show in Chicago we drove straight back. It's about a 12 hour drive. We stopped at a rest stop and passed out for a few hours. That's a more frightening experience than you might think… sleeping in a van at a creepy, dark, rest stop in the middle of nowhere. But realistically most people are more scared of our unmarked van than we are of them. I mean, we have a trash bag tint job.

Luckily, we got home in time Sunday night to catch all my favorite TV shows; Dexter, Entourage, and Californication. David Duchovny is my idol now. I think Hank Moody is the coolest fictional character ever. I'm addicted to Entourage too. We all love that show. And we quote it frequently.

Oh yeah! We finally have a twitter account. So if you wanna follow us on there here's our profile:

I think that's enough for my first blog. It was relatively painless. Don't ya think?
I'll catch up with ya later.
