Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Note From Luke: Blog #1

Hey there kiddies,

So I've decided to join the multitude of bloggers on the World Wide Web. I don't have anything of substance to say though. So I apologize in advance for my ramblings. I'm not terribly concerned with my grammar or punctuation either. Keep in consideration most people online speak in an "awkward, broken, OMG, ROFLMAO, LOL," type of language. So I think I will be forgiven.

I hope you guys are enjoying our Van-Cam Video Blogs. We're enjoying making them. We plan on filming a new one tomorrow! So keep your eyes peeled for that.

We're home from the road right now. I'm in the mountains of north Georgia and it's pouring down rain. After our last show in Chicago we drove straight back. It's about a 12 hour drive. We stopped at a rest stop and passed out for a few hours. That's a more frightening experience than you might think… sleeping in a van at a creepy, dark, rest stop in the middle of nowhere. But realistically most people are more scared of our unmarked van than we are of them. I mean, we have a trash bag tint job.

Luckily, we got home in time Sunday night to catch all my favorite TV shows; Dexter, Entourage, and Californication. David Duchovny is my idol now. I think Hank Moody is the coolest fictional character ever. I'm addicted to Entourage too. We all love that show. And we quote it frequently.

Oh yeah! We finally have a twitter account. So if you wanna follow us on there here's our profile:

I think that's enough for my first blog. It was relatively painless. Don't ya think?
I'll catch up with ya later.


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