Saturday, October 11, 2008

A note from Luke: Blog #2 "Basketball Diaries"

We arrived back home in Georgia around four this morning. Last night we played in Asheville, NC at a venue called Crossroads. We played with some really cool bands including our old friends Hot Vegas.

After load in, Hot Vegas challenged us to a basketball game. First off, I haven't even touched a basketball since I was like twelve. But Tyler peer pressured me into playing because Hot Vegas was smack talkin so much. Taylor was smart and sat the game out. I thought Zach might be an advantage for us because he's so tall… Turns out I was wrong. We sucked and we were slaughtered haha. The only thing that saved us was Ben from Young and Running filled in for Taylor. He pretty much scored all our points with the exception of Tyler's one kick ass lay-up.

Needless to say, we aren't very good athletes. But I'm a musician, not a baller.

Don't worry, the show went much better than our b-ball game.

We've got some Georgia shows coming up soon!
Check our schedule.


If you want to check out the other bands we played with last night here are their links:

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